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Let’s Party Like It’s 1924


1924 needed both a dynamic sizzle video and presentation to showcase the new brand’s fast growth and introduce new packaging and product launches in 2020.

Playing off of the brand’s theme, we produced a 1920’s-style video featuring a flickering film background and black and white graphics, with the exception of 1924’s signature red color for key messaging and other callouts. We supplemented the limited imagery we had with stylized stock footage and custom 3D motion graphics for a stylish, on-brand video.

A highly visual, animated Powerpoint presentation was developed to complement the video and share more detail on these key initiatives. Both materials were shared in tandem at the company’s internal sales meeting, as well as used in distributor and trade meetings throughout the year.

What we did

Concept Development

Storyboard Development

Creative Direction

Video Editing

Motion Graphics

Presentation Design


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